Bad Luck/Good Luck

Funny that it was just St. Paddy’s Day yesterday because we’ve had a mixed bag of good and bad luck.

Bad Luck:
– on day 9/10 of our present FET cycle, DW had some unexpected red blood bleeding. We’re not sure why but it certainly weirded us out.
– we were victims in a car accident on Saturday (not our fault), in which the at-fault driver drove away before we could get his/her licence plate or any real description for the police.
– our stupid insurance provider does not cover car rental, so for this accident we have to pay out of pocket for a rental car while ours gets fixed.
– as a result of the above two bad luck events we have decided to cancel this FET cycle and post-pone it to next month.

Good Luck:
– our school board had to lay off 45 permanent teachers because of shrinking enrolment, and I was 59th from the bottom of the seniority list. I still have a job.
– we were not killed in the car accident. A mere split second difference in timing could have resulted in a tailgate through our windshield and both DW and I, and our dogs, dead.
– as a result of our good fortune mentioned above, and particularly the second one, I’ve decided not to complain about our bad luck any further.

So that’s our update. Baby-making has been delayed by another month. Yay for January babies!

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Happy 1st Birthday to my Blog!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. DW and I have been navigating through our own emotions, as well as the stress from our jobs.

In the past week, we’ve managed to organize and run a student conference on equity and inclusivity, book a very luxurious trip to a sun destination for March Break, and for a few days now, forget about our baby-making endeavours.

DW is projected to bleed sometime during our vacation (fingers and toes crossed that it doesn’t happen until we’re back), which makes it impossible for us to follow the clinics monitoring protocol before a FET:

Day 3: bloodwork and ultrasound, start estrace 3x a day
Day 12 (and every other day until egg retrieval): bloodwork and ultrasound
Day equivalent to egg retrieval: start progesterone 3 pills at bedtime, estrace reduced to 2x per day, endometrin vaginally 3x per day
(Night before FET: no vaginal suppositories)
Five days after egg retrieval: FET!

I guess we’re starting to think about baby-making again, as the next cycle is approaching. It’s been nice having the cycle off- both physically and emotionally. For the first time in a year, we kind of just lived our lives. We went skating, have had lots of casual alcoholic drinks, enjoyed some caffeine without guilt, and splurged on an awesome vacation despite our usual frugal-because-of-baby-making-costs ways.

It’s been a year since we started this process, and it’s been a year of excitement, pain, grieving, body-blame, weight-gain (lol), reflection, and happily some hope still remains.

Happy birthday to us!
