Home » Happiness Cycle » Happiness Cycle Day 16: In-Laws

Happiness Cycle Day 16: In-Laws

I know that not everybody feels this way about theirs, but I have been blessed with awesome in-laws. Spending time with them is close to effortless, and they have a certain “neediness” that I enjoy and wish my own mother had: a need for regular phone calls, visits, making time for each other. Being raised by either my grandparents or by my mother who was overwhelmed with unprocessed heartbreak and abandonment, it is nice having my two very stable in-laws in my life.

Yesterday, my in-laws came to visit (they live about 2.5 hours away by car), and I took my MIL to the One of A Kind Show, while my FIL relaxed at our house with the dogs. We saw lots of amazing work, some of which was well beyond our personal budgets, but we did manage to get some Christmas presents done. We also got to sample many yummy decadences such as chocolates, and my favourite- a cranberry pudding with butter sauce (which was gluten free!). A lady walking next to us recommended it, claiming that “once you have this cranberry pudding, you won’t need sex anymore”. Such a bold claim, we definitely turned around and checked it out. It was delicious, but my orgasms are better. Speaking of which, with transfer happening in t-minus 4 days, I better get all that I can now.

After the show, we came home and I made us all a nice dinner. The four of us polished off 5 beers and three full bottles of red wine. A family that drinks together (and doesn’t get into fights), stays together right?

We made them coffee, Cinnabon waffles, and eggs this morning. And they just left for a visit with some friends in wine country.

My MIL is an avid quilter, and made us an ornament for our tree (we still haven’t hung our ornaments yet), and a Santa (not for our tree).

They also offered to pay for our FET, as a Christmas present, but we couldn’t accept. It was such a nice gesture, but they’re retired, and it’s a couple thousand dollars, not including all of the intralipid infusions this time. Plus, I feel like we need to own this ourselves, though I hope that little spark feels this very clear welcome from grandma and grandpa.

23 thoughts on “Happiness Cycle Day 16: In-Laws

  1. I love this post. Such great in laws- so happy you are so close to them and your husband must just love it so much. I am also close to my in laws and think it is such a gift.

  2. I too have an awesome relationship with my in-laws (mainly my SIL) but it’s a nice feeling when you come from a family like we do… My grandparents did a lot of the raising while my mom mourned over her lost 20’s for over a decade… So excited for you guys and we are only a day or two behind you in our attempt to conceive, will definitely be sending you good baby making vibes!

  3. Your posts are so cozy and christmas-y! I’m so glad that you have your in-laws, especially knowing how difficult it can be with your own family. This sounds like it was a great weekend 🙂

  4. I’m so glad you love your in-laws! I LLLOOOOOVVVEEE my in laws too! We’re so fortunate! When I was with my ex, I DESPISED MY MIL. She made me want to throw her off a cliff. She was so intrusive and would show up at our house unannounced all the time and just use her key to let herself in. We got into many an altercation over this. But Callie’s parents are amazing. Helpful, kind, loving, And a true example of how parents should be with their children (and son/daughters in law). They have a key to our apartment, live 2 buildings over, and have never ONCE showed up or came in without our permission or asking first. They truly are the best. And PS. TOTALLY get it all in now! Once pregnancy hits, it’s a shitty slope. It’s not until the third trimester that Callie’s really been wanting to get busy, but bed rest and contractions (and babies kicking my hands!) makes it weird/impossible/uncomfortable. So get it girl!!!

    • Wow, your in-laws sound awesome! (From the sounds of it, your mami and stepdad do too!) Yeah, I said to DW this morning, today is the last day of my body being MINE. Lol. Damn, I should go for some sushi.

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